Why You Should Get a Car Insurance Quote Annually

Being a licensed driver in Alabama, you’re probably aware that the state’s financial responsibility laws require you to have a minimum amount of insurance.

Despite this requirement, you still have choices. Like deciding where to get your insurance—we hope you’ll consider Robinson Insurance Group LLC of Alabama. You can also select what additional protection you want and the frequency of obtaining a car insurance quote.

There are several good reasons to get a quote annually. Here are some of them:

Auto insurance rates change.

Although it may seem like car insurance rates are constantly rising, they can increase, remain the same, or even decrease for different companies in different years.

Your driving record may improve.

As years pass, you may have violations or accidents removed from your driving record, resulting in better rates.

You may be a target for some companies.

Are you an older driver? Are you a safe driver? Maybe you don’t drive much. You may be more desirable to specific insurance providers depending on your circumstances.

You may be able to take advantage of promotional rates.

Some companies will temporarily drop their rates to attract new clients. You can take advantage of these rates by checking annually.

Checking car insurance rates is free.

Obtaining car insurance rate quotes costs nothing. You may find lower rates, improved coverage, or both.

Compare today.

Get your free, no-obligation auto insurance rate quote today from Robinson Insurance Group LLC of Alabama. We can answer your questions, provide a quote, and get you started swiftly. It’s a hassle-free way to maximize your insurance budget. Contact us today.

Flood Insurance FAQs: All you need to know

Each year, people in Alabama have to deal with the same thing – flooding. Flooding causes thousands and thousands of dollars of damage. That is why more and more people think about getting flood insurance. If you are one of those homeowners, keep on reading this blog post with the answers to the most common questions about flood insurance: 

1. Do you need flood insurance if you have home insurance? 

The short answer is yes. The reason is that home insurance does not cover flood damage.

2. Do you need flood insurance if you do not live near the water?

If you do not live near the water, you are not required to carry flood insurance. However, there is still a chance that you will be affected by a flood at least once within 30 years. 

3. What does flood insurance cover?

Typically, flood insurance covers debris removal, cleanup, and repairs you need after a flood. It pays for water damage from different events, such as storms, heavy rains, broken pipes, and flash floods. However, every policy is different, so discussing coverage and your insurance needs with an insurance agent is better. 

Do you live in the state of Alabama and are considering buying flood insurance to protect your property and personal belongings? Then, feel free to reach out to Robinson Insurance Group LLC, a local insurance company that works with clients throughout Alabama. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we will be able to answer all of your questions and help you find the best policy according to your needs and budget. 

Four priorities when you buy home insurance

As a homeowner, it is important to find an insurance solution that will protect your home’s value and offer financial coverage for liability expenses. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we offer home insurance coverage to property owners in Alabama.

Here are four important priorities to focus on when you buy home insurance. 

Not underestimating how much personal liability coverage you need

Some homeowners purchase less liability coverage than they should because they assume they’ll never face a lawsuit as a homeowner. 

However, it’s important to realize that lawsuits can happen to any homeowner. Investing in enough liability coverage helps to protect your net worth and minimize the stress of homeownership. 

Choosing the right insurance provider

It is important to choose a dependable insurance provider that offers good customer service. Be sure to explore your options and choose an insurance provider that is dependable and always there to help you when you need to file a claim. 

Make sure you’re covered for additional living expenses

If your home becomes badly damaged, you might not be able to live in it while it’s being repaired. Fortunately, home insurance policies can offer additional living expense coverage that can pay for alternative housing after your home is damaged. 

Being aware of the limits of your coverage

You need to read over the fine print of your policy to understand what it covers and doesn’t cover. Remember that standard home insurance policies usually don’t offer coverage for flood damage and several other types of home damage. 

Get in touch with us today for a quote on a home insurance policy in Alabama. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we’re here to assist you with your insurance needs. 

Auto Insurance’s Role in Community Safety Programs

In Alabama, auto insurance plays a pivotal role in augmenting community safety. Insurance companies collaborate with local authorities and organizations to foster safer, more secure environments for residents and motorists. Through initiatives aimed at improving road safety, reducing accidents, and preventing injuries, auto insurance contributes significantly to the overall well-being of state communities.

Promoting Education and Awareness

Auto insurance companies actively onboard community-led educational endeavors that promote safer driving practices. These initiatives, such as driver safety seminars, instructional campaigns, and digital resources, empower residents with the knowledge and skills needed for safer, more responsible road usage. The promotion of education and awareness around safe driving rituals is one of the most impactful societal contributions made by auto insurance companies.

Encouraging Responsible Driving Behaviors

Auto insurers incentivize responsible driving behaviors by offering discounts for safe practices and usage-based insurance programs. Advanced technologies such as telematics devices also reward safe drivers by tracking and assessing their road habits. Such initiatives foster a culture of safety while benefiting individual policyholders and the broader community.

Fostering Community Partnerships

Promoting road safety effectively requires the collective effort of various stakeholders. Auto insurance companies often collaborate with local authorities, law enforcement agencies, and community organizations to lead initiatives to enhance road safety and minimize accidents. These partnerships’ combined efforts and resources can effectively tackle road safety challenges and encourage community collaboration.

How Robinson Insurance Group LLC Can Help You

At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we proudly serve Alabama’s community. We are eager to answer any questions concerning insurance policies, including auto insurance. Contact us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC, and let us guide you toward safer, more responsible motoring.

Four steps every homeowner should go through when they buy flood insurance

Homeowners should know that flood damage is one of the most common and costliest types of home damage in the United States. That’s why it’s so important to get flood insurance for your property in Alabama. 

At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we can help you go through the necessary steps to get the flood insurance coverage you need for your home. Here are four steps every homeowner should go through when they buy flood insurance. 

Investing in floodproofing measures

Homeowners shouldn’t underestimate how big a difference it can make to invest in floodproofing measures.

The installation of flood barriers can help protect a home from flood damage. Other helpful floodproofing measures include keeping a properly functioning sump pump in place and applying waterproof coatings to walls. 

Research area flood risk

It’s a good idea to know how likely floods are in your area and your flood zone. Your flood zone can impact the costs of insuring your home. 

Homeowners should remember that flood maps can change over time. That’s why you should periodically review flood maps and adjust your flood insurance accordingly if your risk has increased. 

Compare flood insurance policy options.

There are probably many flood insurance providers in your area to consider. Contact insurance providers for quotes and compare options before purchasing a policy. 

Keep careful track of documents.

You need to have any flood insurance coverage paperwork at hand so that you can reference it when you need to file a claim. In addition to a copy of your document, it’s also good to save premium payment receipts. 

Call us today at Robinson Insurance Group LLC for flood insurance assistance in Alabama. We can provide you with a quote on a flood insurance policy. 

Home Insurance: Because Homes are Expensive

Alabama is a beautiful place to call home, but like anywhere you live, there are also concerns that homeowners must take precautions against. From wind damage and hail storms to tornadoes and more, the Robinson Insurance Group LLC can help homeowners protect their property from both natural and human threats.

Home Insurance: Because Homes are Expensive

One of the greatest benefits of home insurance is having peace of mind knowing your property, valuables, and your home are safer, even when you are away, with the right insurance plan. That means that homeowners can leave their homes for vacation with less worry or feel better knowing they have help for home repairs after the storm.

Home Insurance: Don’t Leave Home Without It

Does your roof need to be repaired from tornado damage? Does your siding need to be replaced following that most recent hail storm? Were valuables stolen from your home while you were away? The good news is, for situations like these and many others, with the right insurance plan and partner, your home and the things you value can be repaired, replaced, or restored.

That is also why it is important to work with an agent who will take the time to discuss your needs and concerns. The friendly and professional team at the Robinson Insurance Group LLC is in the business of protecting homes and helping Alabama homeowners when the unplanned and unexpected happen.

Home Insurance Alabama Homeowners Can Rely On

If you live in Alabama, then you have many reasons to be proud to call this state your home. And you also have many reasons for wanting to protect your home, possessions, and the things you care about. Contact us at the Robinson Insurance Group to learn more about home insurance and about how we can help you protect your home with a partner in home insurance you can rely on today.

Three Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

When you drive in Alabama, you have to have auto insurance. It’s important never to be without this type of policy. If you’re driving in the state, you have to have valid insurance, and you have to be able to provide proof that you have it. If you don’t, you could face a lot of fines and fees.

Don’t take chances that you might get in trouble for not having it, and don’t be financially at risk. Keep auto insurance at all times. To get started, you can contact us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama.

3 Auto Insurance Types

Bodily Injury Liability

There are several types of auto coverage that should be in your policy One of these is called bodily injury liability. If you’ve been in a wreck where another party was injured, you would be responsible for the medical bills afterward. When you have this type of coverage, it pays for those medical bills. It can also pay for other expenses like ongoing therapy needed for the injury. 

Property Damage Liability 

This type of liability coverage pays for the damage that was done to the other party’s property. This may be repairs that their vehicle needs, repairs to a home or other structure, etc. If you cause damage to property with your vehicle, the cost of repairs can be extremely expensive. With this type of liability coverage, you won’t have to sweat coming up with the money for the repairs by yourself. 

Collision Coverage

With this type of coverage, the damage that the accident did to your own vehicle is covered. If you were to cause an accident and your vehicle was badly damaged, it could be hard to come up with the repair bills alone. 

Get Auto Insurance 

If you’re in Alabama and you need auto insurance, call us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC.

Flood Insurance vs. Homeowners Insurance in Alabama

It is very important for residents of Alabama to understand the difference between flood insurance and regular home insurance. After all, the state is sadly quite susceptible to the flash flooding associated with the severe weather that occurs often in the Deep South. There are critical distinctions, however, and at Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we believe they should be made clear.

Flood Insurance vs. Homeowners Insurance 

Homeowners’ insurance is a policy that usually covers damages caused by fire and some natural disasters, though this usually does not include flooding. Theft is also typically covered under such a policy.

That means vulnerable Alabama citizens will need to add flood coverage if they want to remain protected. Flood insurance policies specifically address the financial devastation left in the aftermath of a flooding event. These can be caused by tropical storms and hurricanes, or even the heavy rains that affect the area each summer. These policies are usually provided through the National Flood Insurance Program, and they cover both structural and property damage. That means your home itself is covered, as well as its contents. Some policies even cover the cost of temporary housing if relocation is necessary due to flooding.

Interestingly, if you have water damage that resulted from a roof leak or a burst pipe, your homeowners’ insurance should cover the cost of remediation. It won’t, however, take care of any damage incurred due to storm surges, rising rivers, or any other natural water event. That is why it is crucial for Alabama homeowners in low-lying areas to consider flood insurance in addition to their regular home insurance.

We Are Here To Help

Just remember, that unlike homeowners’ insurance, which is often required by banks as a prerequisite for mortgage approval, flood insurance is only mandated by the local and federal government if your home is located in a designated flood zone.

That being said, it is a wise idea to get coverage before an unexpected weather event affects you and your family. Give us a call at Robinson Insurance Group LLC, or stop by today, to discuss your options with an experienced agent.

Are earthquakes, floods and storms covered under Alabama home insurance?

Alabama homeowners insurance is important to protect you from unforeseen disasters. If your home is struck by lightning or damaged by wind, your policy will pay for damages up to your policy limits. However, there are some disasters that are not normally included in a typical homeowners policy. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we want to help you make sure you have the protection you and your family need.

What Kinds of Disasters Are Typically Covered?

Here is a list of natural events that are generally covered:

  • Lightning, including the damage resulting from falling tree branches.
  • Damage from wind, including secondhand damage by debris.
  • House fires, including kitchen fires or fires caused by weather. There are exceptions for criminal acts like arson if you are found to be culpable.
  • Wildfires, which could damage the entire property.
  • Cold weather-related damage, such as that caused by ice or snow. You may be expected to take action to mitigate harm.

What Kinds Of Disasters Are Not Always Covered?

  • Depending on where you live, you may not have protection if there is a hurricane. Some areas are more likely to experience hurricanes, and you need to find out if you are protected. 
  • Your home may be partially or completely destroyed by an earthquake, even if you do not live near a fault line. Homeowners insurance does not cover earthquakes but may cover some of the resulting damage and temporary living assistance.
  • If caused by flooding, water damage is not covered under your standard homeowners’ policy. 

We Are Here To Help

If you want to protect your Alabama home from these additional perils, you may be able to purchase additional coverage. Call Robinson Insurance Group today so we can help you assess your risks and help you get the protection you need.

How much can I expect to recover under my auto insurance if my car is totaled in Alabama?

It never feels as though you can be justly compensated when your car is totaled. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover the purchase price of your vehicle if it is totaled. As soon as you drive off the lot, your car starts to depreciate. There are rules for how it works if your vehicle is totaled in Alabama. We at Robinson Insurance Group LLC can help you navigate the process and help get you back on the road as soon as possible.

What Does It Mean When a Car Is Totaled In Alabama?

A car is totaled when it is simply too impractical to repair it. Under Alabama law, a car is considered a total loss when the cost of the needed repairs added to the salvage value is equal to at least 75% of the car’s actual cash value. When a car has that much damage, it is reasonable to think that there are even more damages that you can find on first inspection. It is simply too expensive to fix it.

Actual Cash Value

The actual cash value of the car is how much your vehicle was worth before it was damaged. If you bought a car for $10,000 and someone totaled it on your way home, the actual cash value is probably about $9,000. Your car depreciates about 10% as soon as you drive it off the Alabama sales lot.

Schedule A Consultation Today

You may be able to recover the replacement value of your vehicle if you add new car replacement or gap insurance. If you would like to see how much protection you already have and discuss your options, please call Robinson Insurance Group today.