Why You Should Get a Car Insurance Quote Annually

Being a licensed driver in Alabama, you’re probably aware that the state’s financial responsibility laws require you to have a minimum amount of insurance.

Despite this requirement, you still have choices. Like deciding where to get your insurance—we hope you’ll consider Robinson Insurance Group LLC of Alabama. You can also select what additional protection you want and the frequency of obtaining a car insurance quote.

There are several good reasons to get a quote annually. Here are some of them:

Auto insurance rates change.

Although it may seem like car insurance rates are constantly rising, they can increase, remain the same, or even decrease for different companies in different years.

Your driving record may improve.

As years pass, you may have violations or accidents removed from your driving record, resulting in better rates.

You may be a target for some companies.

Are you an older driver? Are you a safe driver? Maybe you don’t drive much. You may be more desirable to specific insurance providers depending on your circumstances.

You may be able to take advantage of promotional rates.

Some companies will temporarily drop their rates to attract new clients. You can take advantage of these rates by checking annually.

Checking car insurance rates is free.

Obtaining car insurance rate quotes costs nothing. You may find lower rates, improved coverage, or both.

Compare today.

Get your free, no-obligation auto insurance rate quote today from Robinson Insurance Group LLC of Alabama. We can answer your questions, provide a quote, and get you started swiftly. It’s a hassle-free way to maximize your insurance budget. Contact us today.

Auto Insurance’s Role in Community Safety Programs

In Alabama, auto insurance plays a pivotal role in augmenting community safety. Insurance companies collaborate with local authorities and organizations to foster safer, more secure environments for residents and motorists. Through initiatives aimed at improving road safety, reducing accidents, and preventing injuries, auto insurance contributes significantly to the overall well-being of state communities.

Promoting Education and Awareness

Auto insurance companies actively onboard community-led educational endeavors that promote safer driving practices. These initiatives, such as driver safety seminars, instructional campaigns, and digital resources, empower residents with the knowledge and skills needed for safer, more responsible road usage. The promotion of education and awareness around safe driving rituals is one of the most impactful societal contributions made by auto insurance companies.

Encouraging Responsible Driving Behaviors

Auto insurers incentivize responsible driving behaviors by offering discounts for safe practices and usage-based insurance programs. Advanced technologies such as telematics devices also reward safe drivers by tracking and assessing their road habits. Such initiatives foster a culture of safety while benefiting individual policyholders and the broader community.

Fostering Community Partnerships

Promoting road safety effectively requires the collective effort of various stakeholders. Auto insurance companies often collaborate with local authorities, law enforcement agencies, and community organizations to lead initiatives to enhance road safety and minimize accidents. These partnerships’ combined efforts and resources can effectively tackle road safety challenges and encourage community collaboration.

How Robinson Insurance Group LLC Can Help You

At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we proudly serve Alabama’s community. We are eager to answer any questions concerning insurance policies, including auto insurance. Contact us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC, and let us guide you toward safer, more responsible motoring.

Three Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

When you drive in Alabama, you have to have auto insurance. It’s important never to be without this type of policy. If you’re driving in the state, you have to have valid insurance, and you have to be able to provide proof that you have it. If you don’t, you could face a lot of fines and fees.

Don’t take chances that you might get in trouble for not having it, and don’t be financially at risk. Keep auto insurance at all times. To get started, you can contact us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama.

3 Auto Insurance Types

Bodily Injury Liability

There are several types of auto coverage that should be in your policy One of these is called bodily injury liability. If you’ve been in a wreck where another party was injured, you would be responsible for the medical bills afterward. When you have this type of coverage, it pays for those medical bills. It can also pay for other expenses like ongoing therapy needed for the injury. 

Property Damage Liability 

This type of liability coverage pays for the damage that was done to the other party’s property. This may be repairs that their vehicle needs, repairs to a home or other structure, etc. If you cause damage to property with your vehicle, the cost of repairs can be extremely expensive. With this type of liability coverage, you won’t have to sweat coming up with the money for the repairs by yourself. 

Collision Coverage

With this type of coverage, the damage that the accident did to your own vehicle is covered. If you were to cause an accident and your vehicle was badly damaged, it could be hard to come up with the repair bills alone. 

Get Auto Insurance 

If you’re in Alabama and you need auto insurance, call us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC.

How much can I expect to recover under my auto insurance if my car is totaled in Alabama?

It never feels as though you can be justly compensated when your car is totaled. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover the purchase price of your vehicle if it is totaled. As soon as you drive off the lot, your car starts to depreciate. There are rules for how it works if your vehicle is totaled in Alabama. We at Robinson Insurance Group LLC can help you navigate the process and help get you back on the road as soon as possible.

What Does It Mean When a Car Is Totaled In Alabama?

A car is totaled when it is simply too impractical to repair it. Under Alabama law, a car is considered a total loss when the cost of the needed repairs added to the salvage value is equal to at least 75% of the car’s actual cash value. When a car has that much damage, it is reasonable to think that there are even more damages that you can find on first inspection. It is simply too expensive to fix it.

Actual Cash Value

The actual cash value of the car is how much your vehicle was worth before it was damaged. If you bought a car for $10,000 and someone totaled it on your way home, the actual cash value is probably about $9,000. Your car depreciates about 10% as soon as you drive it off the Alabama sales lot.

Schedule A Consultation Today

You may be able to recover the replacement value of your vehicle if you add new car replacement or gap insurance. If you would like to see how much protection you already have and discuss your options, please call Robinson Insurance Group today.

How Much Auto Insurance Do You Really Need?

Your auto insurance is an important protection for your financial stability. Basic coverage is required by law, but you may need additional insurance, depending on your circumstances. Robinson Insurance Group LLC can help you to find the right coverage for your unique needs. 

Each State Sets Its Minimum Requirements For Insurance

Every state determines its own financial requirements for auto insurance. The state of Alabama sets its bodily injury liability limit at $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. The property damage limit is set at $25,000. No other requirements are set in the state, but you may wish to add additional coverage for your needs.

Different Types of Additional Coverage Are Available

Liability insurance limits are set at a low level by law which may not necessarily be enough to cover you if you are sued. You may wish to purchase higher levels of liability insurance.

Although uninsured motorist coverage is not required in Alabama, it’s a good idea to have this coverage to pay your medical costs if an accident is caused by an uninsured motorist or someone who has insufficient insurance. Collision insurance defrays the costs of repairing your vehicle after an accident. This type of insurance is often required for leased vehicles. Personal injury coverage pays for medical costs if you or your passenger is hurt in an accident. Gap insurance helps to cover the difference between the value of your car and how much you still owe on the vehicle.

Looking for Auto Insurance?

The experienced insurance professionals at Robinson Insurance Group LLC can answer your questions about coverage to ensure you have the right policy for your unique situation. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote on auto insurance to protect you while you are on the road.

Get Your Car Ready for Summer Driving

As warm weather approaches, it’s time to get your vehicle ready for summer driving. Summers in Alabama can get very hot. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we want you to be aware of several items you’ll want to make sure are in order before you take off on a road trip across the country or just across town.

Get Your Car Ready for Summer Driving

Check the Tires

When the roads get warm, this can cause tires to lose rubber on the highway. Making sure there’s enough tread on your tires is important for driving as safely as possible during the summer. It’s also important to make sure your tires have enough air pressure.

Get a Tune-Up

A tune-up would normally include a detailed engine inspection. This should also include changing fuel and air filters, changing damaged or old spark plugs, and adjusting the clutch in vehicles with manual transmission. 

Make Sure the AC is Working

Freon can leak out through the winter months. This can be hard on your compressor. Some repair shops may check this out for you at little or no cost when you’re getting a tune-up. The last thing you want is your air conditioner to conk out when those warm days finally arrive!

Update Your Insurance

You’ll want to make sure you have enough auto coverage. In Alabama, there is a minimum amount of liability insurance every driver is required to have. All drivers must also have proof of auto insurance with them at all times when driving and be ready to show the information to law enforcement when it is requested. Call us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC for more information about updating your auto insurance.

What Happens If You Get Caught Driving with No Auto Insurance in Alabama?

Are you an Alabama driver and wondering what penalties will you face if you are caught driving with no auto insurance in this state? We are here to assist with all your queries.

Why We Need Auto Insurance

Your automobile is valuable and should be insured if you own it. When you drive your car, you are putting yourself and others in danger. An accident can happen at any time — regardless of how careful you are.

It is always important to have insurance protection to cover the costs associated with an accident.

What Happens If You Get Caught Driving with No Auto Insurance in Alabama?

If you are caught driving without auto insurance in Alabama, penalties you may face depend on your situation. First-time offenders may have a different outcome than people with a history of driving without insurance.

The following are potential outcomes for Alabama drivers caught on the roadways without insurance:

  1. If you have a valid driver’s license and no other outstanding traffic tickets, the police may give you a verbal warning.
  2. However, if you have any outstanding traffic tickets or a revoked driver’s license, then the police may issue you a written citation with fines ranging from $100 to $1,000.
  3. In some cases, driving with no auto insurance is considered a misdemeanor.
  4. Alabama drivers convicted of a misdemeanor driving offense because of no insurance could have their driver’s license suspended for up to six months.

The worst-case scenario could mean jail time!

Get Affordable Auto Insurance in Alabama

Don’t risk getting caught driving with no insurance in Alabama! If you need auto insurance in Alabama, contact a licensed insurance agent at Robinson Insurance Group LLC instead.

Our team of insurance experts at Robinson Insurance Group can answer your auto insurance questions and provide a customized quote.