Does everyone in Alabama need food insurance?

Do you know if you live in a floodplain? There is an easy way to check in Alabama. The government provides information about special flood areas and what kinds of hazards you might face if you live there. 

If you live in a floodplain, you may already know about it if you have a government mortgage. With certain kinds of loans, you need to purchase flood protection for as long as you owe. However, your location in a flood plain doesn’t tell the whole story. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we can help you make sure your Alabama and business are protected.

Why Would Someone Need Flood Insurance If Not Living In a Floodplain?

Water damage is expensive, often costing at least tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, standard property insurance usually excludes flood damage. Flood zones can change, and your area may even be affected by new developments around you. Even within flood zones, there are different levels of risk. 

The worst part is that your new flood protection may not protect you right away. Many policies do not go into effect for the first 30 days. That means that you can’t wait until you see disaster coming before getting a flood insurance policy.

We Can Answer Your Questions

This area of insurance can be confusing because most people have never had to deal with it before. If you think that you can’t afford to pay out of pocket for the damages caused by flooding, it costs nothing to speak with us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC about what your actual risks are. We can help you assess your needs based on where you are located and what the area is like. Protect your Alabama home today so you have one less thing to worry about tomorrow.

Four things that some people don’t realize about home insurance

Homeowners in Alabama can meet their home insurance needs with our assistance at Robinson Insurance Group LLC. It’s important for homeowners to have enough information about their insurance needs and coverage options.

The following are four things that some people don’t realize about home insurance:

Mortgage lenders require borrowers to have home insurance. 

Homeowners are sometimes under the misconception that they can choose whether to buy insurance. However, any homeowner who is still paying off a mortgage needs to have home insurance. 

Mortgage lenders typically handle payments on borrowers’ home insurance through an escrow account. 

You can choose between replacement value and actual cash value coverage.

Replacement value coverage covers the total costs of rebuilding your home if it is destroyed. On the other hand, actual cash value coverage compensates the homeowner for the market value of their home. 

Ideally, you should choose replacement value coverage so that you’re not compensated for less than the full value of your home due to depreciation. 

Home insurance policies include liability protection.

Some homeowners don’t realize that home insurance doesn’t only cover your home’s value when your home becomes damaged. Home insurance also protects you from liability expenses if you face a lawsuit because of an accident or injury in your home.  

Flood insurance is not included in a standard home insurance policy.

Home insurance won’t include coverage for flood damage to your home. You’ll have to purchase flood insurance separately if you want to be covered by flood damage. 

Reach Out To Us

At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we’re here to answer questions you have about covering your home with the right insurance policy. Call us for a quote on a home insurance policy for your home in Alabama. 

How Much Auto Insurance Do You Really Need?

Your auto insurance is an important protection for your financial stability. Basic coverage is required by law, but you may need additional insurance, depending on your circumstances. Robinson Insurance Group LLC can help you to find the right coverage for your unique needs. 

Each State Sets Its Minimum Requirements For Insurance

Every state determines its own financial requirements for auto insurance. The state of Alabama sets its bodily injury liability limit at $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. The property damage limit is set at $25,000. No other requirements are set in the state, but you may wish to add additional coverage for your needs.

Different Types of Additional Coverage Are Available

Liability insurance limits are set at a low level by law which may not necessarily be enough to cover you if you are sued. You may wish to purchase higher levels of liability insurance.

Although uninsured motorist coverage is not required in Alabama, it’s a good idea to have this coverage to pay your medical costs if an accident is caused by an uninsured motorist or someone who has insufficient insurance. Collision insurance defrays the costs of repairing your vehicle after an accident. This type of insurance is often required for leased vehicles. Personal injury coverage pays for medical costs if you or your passenger is hurt in an accident. Gap insurance helps to cover the difference between the value of your car and how much you still owe on the vehicle.

Looking for Auto Insurance?

The experienced insurance professionals at Robinson Insurance Group LLC can answer your questions about coverage to ensure you have the right policy for your unique situation. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote on auto insurance to protect you while you are on the road.

How do I find out what flood zone I live in?

Living in a flood-prone area in Alabama can be challenging, especially if you are not aware of the flood zones in your locality. Flood zones categorize areas based on their flood risk level. Robinson Insurance Group LLC explains how to find your flood zone and what it means.

How do I find out what flood zone I live in?

When it comes to finding out what flood zone you live in, the first thing you need to do is to check with your insurance agent. They can provide detailed flood maps showing the flood zones in your locality. Alternatively, you can head to the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) website and use their Flood Map Service Center to find out which flood zone you live in. All you need to do is enter your address, and the tool will show you the flood zones in your area.

Once you know what flood zone you live in, there are some steps you can take to mitigate the risks. If you live in a high-risk flood zone, you may want to consider purchasing flood insurance. Flood insurance covers damage caused by floodwater and can provide peace of mind knowing you are protected in a flood. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to have an evacuation plan, so you know what to do in a flood emergency.

We Can Help!

Understanding flood zones is essential for anyone who wants to protect themselves and their property from the devastating effects of a flood. Once you know your flood zone, you can take the necessary steps to mitigate the risks, such as purchasing flood insurance, having an evacuation plan, and elevating your Alabama property. Contact Robinson Insurance Group LLC for more details on flood insurance today.

Preparing your home for an emergency

No matter where you live, emergencies happen, and it is vital that your family and your home be prepared. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama, we make sure that your home is prepared for an emergency with the correct home insurance. As an independent insurance agency, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the finest service and making sure they have the insurance they need. 

Preparing your home for an emergency

Have an emergency getaway route

In the event that a storm, tornado, hurricane, or other disaster is bearing down on you, it is important to have a route mapped out before the emergency is imminent. You should have a first choice and then a second choice depending on which direction you need to go. 

Have important papers together

Put all your important papers, birth certificates, insurance policies, mortgage documents, passports, etc. together in a water and fire-proof container and have it where you can easily grab it quickly if you must make a speedy escape. You might want to put a few important photos into the container as well. 

Stock necessities

Make sure you have plenty of bottled water, batteries, light sources that don’t require electricity and a way to cook or warm things up that doesn’t require electricity.

Have a generator

A generator is a lifesaver if you lose power for an extended period. You can choose to have a portable generator, or you can have a whole-house generator. This allows you to maintain as normal a life as possible in the event your area is hit by a disaster. Make sure you have a fuel supply that can last more than a day or two. 

Reach Out To Us

To find out more about home insurance coverage, give us a call at Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama, and let us help you get the coverage that is right for you. 

Get Your Car Ready for Summer Driving

As warm weather approaches, it’s time to get your vehicle ready for summer driving. Summers in Alabama can get very hot. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we want you to be aware of several items you’ll want to make sure are in order before you take off on a road trip across the country or just across town.

Get Your Car Ready for Summer Driving

Check the Tires

When the roads get warm, this can cause tires to lose rubber on the highway. Making sure there’s enough tread on your tires is important for driving as safely as possible during the summer. It’s also important to make sure your tires have enough air pressure.

Get a Tune-Up

A tune-up would normally include a detailed engine inspection. This should also include changing fuel and air filters, changing damaged or old spark plugs, and adjusting the clutch in vehicles with manual transmission. 

Make Sure the AC is Working

Freon can leak out through the winter months. This can be hard on your compressor. Some repair shops may check this out for you at little or no cost when you’re getting a tune-up. The last thing you want is your air conditioner to conk out when those warm days finally arrive!

Update Your Insurance

You’ll want to make sure you have enough auto coverage. In Alabama, there is a minimum amount of liability insurance every driver is required to have. All drivers must also have proof of auto insurance with them at all times when driving and be ready to show the information to law enforcement when it is requested. Call us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC for more information about updating your auto insurance.

Three myths about flood insurance

Getting flood insurance is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself financially as a property owner. Robinson Insurance Group LLC can assist you with your flood insurance needs for your Alabama home.

Being well-informed is the first step to getting yourself financially protected against flood damage costs. Unfortunately, there are some myths that many consumers believe about flood insurance.

The following are three myths to be aware of regarding flood insurance:

Homeowners don’t need flood insurance if they don’t live in flood zones.

Floods can happen anywhere. You shouldn’t assume that your home is never going to be damaged by a flood just because you don’t live in a flood zone. 

Many homeowners need flood insurance even though their home is not located in an area that is typically associated with flooding. 

It’s not possible to acquire flood insurance for a property that has experienced flood damage in the past.

Homeowners may still be able to find flood insurance coverage even if their home has been flooded before. However, homeowners might need to buy flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program in this situation. 

You don’t need flood insurance because you’ll be reimbursed through federal disaster assistance in the event of a flood.

It’s true that federal disaster assistance provides some reimbursement for homeowners who experience flooding. However, you cannot depend on this because federal disaster assistance is only provided to homeowners for about 50 percent of flooding incidents that occur. 

Contact Us Today

When you are ready to buy flood insurance in Alabama, we are here to help you at Robinson Insurance Group LLC. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll provide you with a quote on a flood insurance policy for your property. 

Types of Coverage in Home Insurance

Home insurance is an essential type of insurance that every homeowner should have. When you have this type of insurance, there are several different kinds of coverage inside each policy. Each of these coverage types is important to have for your protection. When you are in need of a home insurance policy, call us at Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama to get started.

Types of Home Insurance Coverage

Dwelling Coverage

Perhaps the most important type of coverage in these policies is coverage for the home itself. If a damaging incident like a disaster were to happen to your home, it could be extremely expensive to pay for the repairs. But with home insurance, you won’t have to. It will pay for those repairs and can even pay for you to stay somewhere else while important repairs are being made. 

Belongings Coverage

Just like the home itself, the things inside your home also need to be protected. With home insurance, these items are covered by the policy. If an event happened that ruined the items in your home, the policy could pay for them to be replaced. This can save you a lot of money that would have been an economic hardship without the policy. There are a lot of things that can happen to your belongings, and it’s always best to be prepared.

Liability Coverage

Home insurance also helps to cover your liability for accidents. A third party who comes into your home and gets injured may have medical bills as well as lost wages. These can be expensive, but you would be liable for paying for them. Your home insurance includes liability coverage so these would be paid for by your policy. 

Protect Yourself With Home Insurance

To get home insurance, give us a call now at Robinson Insurance Group LLC in Alabama.

What Happens If You Get Caught Driving with No Auto Insurance in Alabama?

Are you an Alabama driver and wondering what penalties will you face if you are caught driving with no auto insurance in this state? We are here to assist with all your queries.

Why We Need Auto Insurance

Your automobile is valuable and should be insured if you own it. When you drive your car, you are putting yourself and others in danger. An accident can happen at any time — regardless of how careful you are.

It is always important to have insurance protection to cover the costs associated with an accident.

What Happens If You Get Caught Driving with No Auto Insurance in Alabama?

If you are caught driving without auto insurance in Alabama, penalties you may face depend on your situation. First-time offenders may have a different outcome than people with a history of driving without insurance.

The following are potential outcomes for Alabama drivers caught on the roadways without insurance:

  1. If you have a valid driver’s license and no other outstanding traffic tickets, the police may give you a verbal warning.
  2. However, if you have any outstanding traffic tickets or a revoked driver’s license, then the police may issue you a written citation with fines ranging from $100 to $1,000.
  3. In some cases, driving with no auto insurance is considered a misdemeanor.
  4. Alabama drivers convicted of a misdemeanor driving offense because of no insurance could have their driver’s license suspended for up to six months.

The worst-case scenario could mean jail time!

Get Affordable Auto Insurance in Alabama

Don’t risk getting caught driving with no insurance in Alabama! If you need auto insurance in Alabama, contact a licensed insurance agent at Robinson Insurance Group LLC instead.

Our team of insurance experts at Robinson Insurance Group can answer your auto insurance questions and provide a customized quote.

High Risk Flood Areas in Alabama

Flooding can happen suddenly or over time, but the consistent fact is that floods cause damage. Some areas of Alabama will have a higher risk than others, making your preventive measures even more important when flood season hits. Alabama is served by experts at Robinson Group LLC who understand flood risk. Learn more about flooding in your area.

The Alabama Areas with the Highest Flood Risk

You’ll find higher risks of flooding near four of the larger Alabama metros. Areas to the west of Huntsville, in a swath from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham, the western side of Montgomery, and the Mobile area near the Gulf coast. The good news is the annual chance of flood in these areas tends to be less than 4 inches of water at the time of flooding, but the data shows some spots may get as high as 8 inches of flood or more in a year.

While these metros represent the current data, that doesn’t mean other addresses in Alabama are immune from flood risk, only that we don’t yet have the data to better calculate these risks. As always, it’s best to be prepared.

Choosing Flood Insurance Based on Risk

Flood insurance is available to homeowners, business owners, and renters too. If you are in an area with a low flood risk you may be content with basic property damage coverage. If you are in an area of higher risk, consider a comprehensive flood insurance policy that can also include liability and coverage against loss of use or loss of business if you need to relocate while things get cleaned up. 

Contact Us Today

Check with the Alabama flood insurance professionals at Robinson Group LLC to tailor your policy to meet your unique location needs. Get a quote today.